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Disciplinary Alternative Education Program
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DAEP Orientation Video
Added Feb 18, 2020
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In Deer Park ISD disciplinary alternative education program there are policies and procedures in place to ensure a safe and efficient learning environment for all students and staff. At the beginning of each day students should arrive at between 8:30 and 8:50 a.m. for check in procedures and breakfast. Students will not be accepted after 9 a.m. all students will be issued two shirts one belt and one ID to be worn daily shorts must be tucked in at all times both shirts and belt must be returned on altered at the end of the students assignment you've lost or altered students will be charged $5 for a shirt $4 for a belt and $5 for an ID the following accessories and clothing articles are not allowed jewelry of any kind watches hoodies hats caps and head coach students must wear full-length pants that have belt loops with a daep issued belt pants must be worn at the waist the following pants are not allowed shorts cargo pants wind pants sweatpants multi colored or camo pants pants with metal buckles Loops or chains pants with extra Pockets or holes with Skin showing and pants not long enough to touch the shoes the following shoes are not allowed at daep Sandals house shoes shower shoes or flip-flops additionally students are expected to be properly groomed for males facial hair nail polish and makeup are prohibited piercings and uncover tattoos are also not acceptable for males or females students are permitted to bring certain items to daep that include a wallet a purse change purse clutch Keys feminine hygiene products and magazines the following items are not allowed however makeup products hair products in more than five and cash backpacks are only allowed on the first and last day of the students assignment students will not be allowed to use their phone while at daep emergency phone calls will be made by our secretary remember students and any items brought on the campus are subject to search all items confiscated from students will be returned to a parent only or to the student on the last day of their assignment daep will not be responsible for any items confiscated any medications must be given to our secretary upon arrival prescription medications must be in the original label container with Physicians name in transfer Administration over the counter medications must be in the original label container in a company with a parent note while fulfilling your assignment here at daep pens pencils and paper are the only supplies you should bring with you everyday all textbooks are provided students will also have access to computers on campus students may not bring district-issued or personal devices such an iPad or Mac books for junior high high school students your home campus teachers will send five days worth of assignments per week and student will complete one assignment from each teacher per day and each day they completed assignments are sent back to the home campus daep these classroom procedures must be followed take care of all Office business before entering the classroom in the morning never leave a classroom without permission use the flag system for permission to talk or get out of your desk use technology according to daep in DPISD Network and computer use agreement and do not re-enter the building after being dismissed in the afternoon during lunchtime students May purchase a sack lunch from the cafe or bring a sack lunch from home we do not accept food deliveries additionally glass bottles bottles with screw-on caps and energy drinks of any kind are not allowed all drinks must unopened and sealed if you open a drink at breakfast it must be finished and thrown away after breakfast food or drink may not be kept overnight and it may not be shared soon can I eat or drink during breakfast and launch only the following behaviors are not allowed at daep sleeping or the appearance of sleeping disrespect to a staff member or student physical contact with other students the use of profanity written oral and sharing food or other materials in the classroom multiple suspensions were severe misconduct that wouldn't otherwise result in expulsion may result in assignment to High Point School East for a minimum of 45 days attending your regular school campus after completing your daep assignment the following incidents will result in assignment to High Point School East for a minimum of 45 days a second daep assignment for controlled substance or the third daep assignment of any kind meanwhile the following actions performed at daep may result in expulsion being in possession or under the influence of alcohol controlled substance and getting into a fight students are given a bus pass on the day of orientation they will be transported home that day and the bus driver will give them an approximate time to be picked up in the morning student should be at stop 10 minutes before the designated time is absent for three consecutive days the bus will not go to the designated stop a parent or Guardian must bring student to daep on the morning of the students return to reinstate bus transportation students must comply with the instructions of the bus driver and or the monitor a student who disrupts the safe transporting of themselves and or others will lose bus privileges driving to daep is a privilege to be able to drive to daep you must have the following a valid driver's license proof of insurance and a registered campus parking permit student parking will be next to the handicap parking in the East lot may not sit in their cars after arriving at school student vehicles are subject to search by drug dogs in case of an absence please contact Transportation by 6:30 a.m. and daep by 9:30 a m all absences are considered unverified until the student brings a note following these policies and procedures will ensure a safe and effective learning environment for all students and staff at daep
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DAEP Orientation Video
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